“She transforms food from ordinary to artistic”
“She is an inspiration for everybody”
“The Creative and Artistic mind behind sucessful food campaigns”
“A very talented foodstylist cum a handmodel”
“India’s most talented and leading foodstylist”
“She brings in layers of knowledge and data to food design”
“Made a very successful transition from the Corporate world into the world of art”
“Gifted with natural talent”
“She has carved a thriving career as a food stylist”
“She is a leading foodstylist of India garnishing food in a modern way”
“She combines unique ingredients in an extraordinary fashion while styling the food.”
“She is a transformational leader”
“An expert in the nuances and process of bread making”
“She transforms food from ordinary to artistic”
“She is an inspiration for everybody”
“The Creative and Artistic mind behind sucessful food campaigns”
“A very talented foodstylist cum a handmodel”
“India’s most talented and leading foodstylist”
“She brings in layers of knowledge and data to food design”